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Monday, April 13, 2009

This use to be a fun house...

But NOW we have the sick bug clowns. They gave us 2 horrible ear infections, 2 high fevers, 2 Dr. apoiontments, 2 oral antibiotics, 2 X 2 sleepless nights totaling about 96 hours of very minimal sleep on top of my sleep deprived state as a mother of a newborn, 2 antibiotic creams and drops adding up to 2 million dollars, but the $$ doesn't matter Garet enjoys busting his butt to pay the medical bills because our health ins. STINKS!! To top it all off we have 1 case of strep throat with all the sypmptoms of strep like a rash, fever, sore throat, & congestion, on top of the ear infection for Easton. Plus Mason has a raging ear infection, fever, sore throat, and he is unable to take the antibiotic to cure all of those ailments because he has staph infection and it is MRSA....which means it is the REALLY NASTY kind of staph. WHAT THE @#$%!

I made the Dr. apt for Easton to get the meds for his ear, thinking I had the virus going around that starts with a runny nose, followed by a sore throat & ending in a cough. UH not so much we headed home with all of the above CRAP! Serioiusly I never get the virus going around I get everything else. Oh and we had to put Mason on a super strong antibiotic for the staph that has totally and completely BURNED the HECK out of his cute little bumb and hasn't touched his horrible ear infection. So when he is finished with this med if it works on the staph, then we get to start a 2nd antibiotic for the ear. The cherry on top it all happened while Garet was out of town.

BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE... I am so happy we have tylenol and motrin to help ease the pain and bring the fever down. I am gratful for my wonderful DR. who investigates and doesn't just write it off to the common virus. And I am happy that we have some sort of health ins. because if not we would be so burried in medical debt that we would never be able to pay it off. I am also happy that we don't have any debt so we can pay off our medical bills with out the insane interest added to it. Last the best of all the game is so far Eastons ear is 100% better, the strep is gone, Grayson hasn't gotten sick yet, and the meds seem to be working for the staph in Mason. I have managed to get some sleep and the boys are smiling, happy, and not in pain anymore. Well except for Mason's ear, but thanks to ear numbing drops he smiles too.

so we are headed back into the fun house, thats full of happy clowns!!!!!!!!!


Cecilie said...

Oh Sharee...I am SO sorry you and your family went through this! You need to catch a break! Glad you guys are on the upside of this nasty crap :-) Take care of yourself Sharee...those boys need there mommy healthy and happy :-)

Becky Lewis said...

Oh my goodness, if you need an evening out (I know your mom changed shifts), call our girls, they love the little ones. Sounds like you and Garet need a short break.
And I love that you hunted us down, I don't mind at all the link.

meag said...

wow shar....sounds like a rough few days. i'm so sorry. good thing your one tough cookie and can handle it all. moab is still on, just don't know when, and i'm still not convinced i can do slick rock.

meag said...

wow shar....sounds like a rough few days. i'm so sorry. good thing your one tough cookie and can handle it all. moab is still on, just don't know when, and i'm still not convinced i can do slick rock.

Laura said...

I'm so sorry....you have had a hard week! sometimes it feels like it's pretty bad for mom....even though we aren't the ones sick! hang in there...hope all your babies feel better soon!

Lauren Tatton said...

:( Im so sorry shar! That is so so sad! I wish I was there to help! Im so glad that they are doing a little better! You do have a good hubby!