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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here today Gone tomorrow

The reason for the rapid switch to private is because I recently got comments on every post I have on my page from a unknown source. Has anyone had this happen? The day I noticed the comments they were in Chinese or something and only 1 comment had any English to it that said-"I enjoy your writing keep it up" or something like that. Now all of the comments have these weird rectangle symbols. I am quite freaked out by this. There are so many weirdos out there, who knows who this person is. I should have went private the moment I decided to blog. It is not hard to find out every little detail about someone. I mean you can see where someone is from, their name, and all their family members names etc. I should not have had that kind of stuff on there. Any how I am freaking myself out about it. Just wondering if any of you have had something like this. I think if the comments were in English and not under the name freefun0616, I probably wouldn't worry as much??
Also once you are private is it really totally private?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Going Private today

I have now noticed that I have A LOT of people I do not know looking at my blog. For our protection I am shutting it down to open reading. If you want to look send me your info. Send info to jonesgems@gmail.com.
thanks for reading

Sunday, January 3, 2010

11 Months Old

My little MONKEY is 11 months old. ( this is an old picture, but I had to post the most recent one I have uploaded) Sheesh I really can't believe how fast time goes. In the past 2 weeks he has passed so many milestones. He has started talking and adding more words to his vocabulary. He can say: Ha (hi), Hot, mum, dada, papa (grandpa), Mah, mah (grandma), bye bye, bebe (baby), this, whats this, and something that sounds just like eas for East. He is starting to walk around. He is up to 10 steps now. He will stand up in the middle of a room and take a few steps, hold on to something and walk around with it, or stand up like at the coffee table and walk across the room to the couch or to me. He cut 2 more teeth, drinks through a straw and eats all table food. It still amazes me how little babies with only their front teeth can chew up meat and all sorts of other foods so well. He loves to throw a ball back a forth and drive cars all over the floor. He LOVES his brothers and crawls as fast as he can to chase them and keep up with them. He likes to wrestle. If Garet and the big boys are wrestling he gets in on the action. However he does not like mommy to get into the action. If all the boys jump on me he cries and pulls my hair. He likes to kneel up on his knees and walk and bounce...it is SUPER cute. He has finally started to consistently sleep all night long. I hope it sticks. I now remember how much I love to sleep. I am happier, feel healthier and love to SLEEP. I really cherish every second, moment, minute and hour of sleep I get right now. I am sure I am forgetting other cute things my little man does, but one thing is certain....He is the cutest little man and we LOVE him.