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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So far behind blogging...

But these boys are worth blogging about!Here are pictures of Easton's first day of kindergarten with Mrs. Pat and Masons first day of pre-school with Mrs. Carol. They are the cutest school boys ever. They both really love school and look forward to going. I just wish their days coordinated so I didn't have to make a trip to the school every day. They are just the cutest things EVER and so SMART!!!!

Lately they have been saying some pretty funny things and I wanted to share some of them.
We were at my dads house and saw something making a muss in the pond. It was a muskrat and Mason calls it MUSK-A-CRAB. He still says muskacrab even when we try to correct him.
Mason loves to look at my big prego belly and lately since I am getting bigger and my veins are getting more obvious. Even when I am not prego my veins are close to the surface of my skin but now they are quite visible. Any how Mason looks at my belly and with a surprise sound to his voice announces "MOM are those your stripes? You have stripes Mom." Love these stripes happy they are not stretch mark stripes at least these will go away.
Easton was playing with Mason and Hunter and I heard him say to them, "If you tell a fibble your nose will grow. I am serious it is true. My teacher Mrs. Pat taught us that. DON'T TELL FIBBLES!"
Easton-"MOM you are just like a Kangaroo. I say really why? Because Kangaroos carry their babies in their pouch on their tummy and so do you, so you are like a kangaroo."
I love the things they say. I need to be better at writing them down. I laugh so hard every day. Laughter is the best medicine.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Baby Update

My favorite photographer Heather Mickey took my last maternity session. I guess what you do for 1 you do for all. She always amazes me with what she is able to capture. Even when you feel HUMONGO and not at all pretty and your boys are running wild and covered in grass and stains, somehow she captures those precious moments that I will certainly cherish forever. This is my life as you see it. I can't imagine it getting any better, but somehow babies always seem to always make life better. I am so excited for my new little one to arrive.
I went to the Dr. yesterday and found out that we are right on schedule. I have had a TON of pressure and hoped it was doing something. I know it is early but for me that is the way it goes. I turned 34 weeks yesterday and was happy to find out I am thinning and already dilated to a good 1 not quite a 2. My Dr. estimated the baby would come around Nov. 15-16 or that week of. So right on schedule to be a couple weeks early like the others were. Knowing that all this uncomfortable pressure is making progress for me makes it all worth while. BRING IT ON! I think I am ready?... however I am not ready to be up all night. Definitely ready to love and hold my baby though. My boys are SOOO excited. It is so cute. So here we go on the downhill slide of things. We will welcome our little darling whenever it decides to make its day view.