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Sunday, September 28, 2008


I am so excited and proud to say that we have another baby BOY on the way. I had the ultrsound earlier this week and everyting looks great. He is healthy and a real mover. He was sucking his thumb, loved to have his hands up by his face, and yawned 4 huge yawns for us. He was moving everywhere it was hard to keep up with him and make sure we got a good clear picture of everyting. He had all 10 fingers and toes, his heart, kidney, lungs, liver and brain are perfect. He passed with flying colors. It is so much fun no matter how many babies you already have to see them in the ultrasound. I can't wait to hold him and love him. Babies are so wonderful. I am so happy for the opportunity to be a Mother, it is truly the greatest gift i can imagine.

Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails that is what our house will be made of. I was hoping for a baby girl, as all moms do if you have all boys or girls, but I am truly elated to have another boy come to our home. I love my boys and have decided to just get into BOYS, and love the fact that I am the only Queen in this castle. Now I can have more boys to dote over me and take care of me. I told Garet that I will just have to step it up a notch and really relish bieng the only girl in the house.

Easton was right from the start when I first found out and told him we were having a baby. I asked if it was a baby brother or sister and he without hesitation said "it's a baby Isaac or something." He has always known we had a baby boy. I knew too but still hoped for 1 baby girl in our family. I guess heaven knows best...I hope I can raise my boys to be honest ,sincere, have integrity, and be steadfast gentleman. I will need all the strength I can get, because everyday I learn more and more and I feel like my boys are always 1 step ahead. HEAVEN HELP ME! If you know me, you know I grew up with all girls, even the majority of our cousins were girls, so boys are a bit foreign to me. But I love them, and learn more each passing day, I just hope I can keep up with them, be a good mom, and raise them to the best of my ability.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Packages from Grandma Kathy

Thank you Grandma Kathy for the package. Easton was thrilled when he opened it up and found the "BOOTS" he loves. The little shoes Easton is wearing are Parkers special shoes. But Easton thinks they are ski boots and loves them. Parker grew out of these and so Grandma sent them to Easton. She also sent a snake and shirt, treats, and hats for both of the boys. It was a fun surprise for Easton and Mason to get a special package to open.
Thanks again Kathy, it made the boys feel special. Love you!

Monday, September 22, 2008

My silly billy superhero

Easton is my superhero. He keeps my on my toes and keeps me laughing. Tonight he said the funniest things. I don't think I can caputure it in the way he said them, but I want to remember it. It is always funnier when you hear it from him. Okay so I have really bad varicose veins in one leg and they cause me a lot of pain. I have to wear compression hose and Easton thinks nylons, hose, tights ect are really funny. So tonight as I am putting on my pjs he looks at me and says very seriously and with sad face and voice "Mom do you have to wear those titans so your bumb doesn't fall off. I am so sorry." I laugh and say thanks sweetie but I have to wear these for my bad leg remember?. He then says "Mom don't worry it's okay you can wear your titans so you bumb won't fall off and hurt...I love you Mom(and hugged me)."
Then this morning he put his head on my belly and said "OH MOM I can hear our baby laughing, that is so cute, that baby likes me." He is so cute. He loves to put his head on my belly and says he can hear it crying, laughing, talking...it really is precious. I love my Eastie pie.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Easton's first day of PRESCHOOL

A little late but here is a picture of Easton's first day of Preschool. He was so excited. Walked right in and got involved. He never looked back. He loved it. The last picture is of his teacher Mrs. Carol. She is so cute and such a good teacher. The program is really cool, they get to do singing/music, art, reading, writing, discovery activities, and tumbling. In the tumbling part they have a spring floor, trampolines, balance beam, and all types of other things that are super cool and teach coordination. It is a great, unique program and I am so happy we can be invovled in this program...and Easton LOVES it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jon & Kate Plus 8

So this week I have an adventure of being like the headline above. However it is just Sharee plus 8. I am babysitting a family of 6 plus my 2=8. I am only into it 2 days and so far all is well. The only problem is that Easton is not feeling well at ALL.
After these 2 days I am left hoping for a girl to come to my home. I love my boys dearly, but the 5 little girls I am tending are so cute and fun. They are the little mother ducks to my boys, they are so girlie and cute. I am having a lot of fun with them. I will have to post pictures of our adventures and show you just how cute this family is. They have 5 girls and 1 boy and they are all so cute and fun to be around. Hopefully we can make it to the end with SMILES.
Wish me LUCK!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


We are missing our Meag. She is so much fun to have around. Always up for anything and evrything. Easton keeps asking "is Meags home yet?" or he'll say "Is Meag here? Where is she? She at work?" OUr house isn't the same without Meag and Chase. Just wanted you to know how much we miss you. We love you.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


We went to Lagoon 2x and had so much fun. The first time Shellee all the kids and I went and did all the rides. Then Shawnee, Shellee all the kids and I went and we did Lagoona Beach and all the rides. We had a BLAST!! I have not been in so long, and even though I couldn't ride the big rides I still had a ball. I will have to upload the photos from the second time we went with all of us. It eas rea;;y fun. Thanks Sisters we always have a great time together!