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Saturday, April 4, 2009

31 reasons we love our daddy...

HaPPy 31st BIrThDAY we wish you were here to ceLebrate with birthday cheer!!

Because your not we want to say ....HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!

31 reasons we LOVE our daddy:
1. Easton said because " I want him so I love him thats why."
2. I think he's workin' hard
3. I don't know why i love him, thats why i love him!
4. Mason said " da da look, mmmmmmmmm."
5. cute sad face da da uhhhhhh
There are so many reasons we love you daddy,
6. I love you because you are my soul mate.
7. I knew we were soul mates when I found out our first names are legally spelled with 2 R's but our parents taught us to spell it with 1 R, I think in heaven we told each other this is how we would find each other.
8. Home is truly where you want to be
9. There is nothing more important to you than your family.
10. You would rather not go somewhere if we cannot go too. You always go the extra mile to make sure we are all together.
11. You work your tail off to make us a happy home, and make sure we have EVERYTHING we want and need.
12. You dedicate all your time and energy to our family. Even if your exhausted, have a hurt back, or just don't want to be bothered you still let us climb all over you like a jungle gym.
13. You always support me in everything.
14. You are USUALLY always right.
15. FUN to be with
16. You make us laugh
17. You know how to stop the tears
18. PATIENCE you've got em' (and I need em')
19. best daddy EVER
20. Sincere
21. HAPPY truly happy
22. Easton said "i know he wrestles"
23. You have really made me a better person in so many ways.
24. You Listen
25. Give good Advice
26. Mason said " uh uh elk" as he points out the window
27. Easton said "dad gives me bubbly always"
28. We play together
29. You keep it simple
30. you know how to forgive and forget.
31. Last the best of all the game... it is simple we LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU, everything about you, life is vibrant with you in it and there is no one else who can take your place. You are our HERO, our #1.
We miss you and can't wait to be together again, HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!
X'S & O"S


Lauren Tatton said...

Happy birthday Garet! He is such a great Dad and Husband!

Paige said...

Happy Birthday Garet! (a little late. :) I just have to tell you that Phil came and woke me up from a nap to show me that first picture of your kids. He was laughing so hard and thinks it is so cute! ha SO creative. I love it. :)

Cecilie said...

What a great post Sharee...I LOVE the first pic! Happy Birthday Garet!!

Sammy said...

what a cute post! I LOVE the picture of the boys making the 31. how cute.happy birthday garet!