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Saturday, April 11, 2009


Easton suddenly broke out in a body full of hives. I don't know what spurred them on and they lasted for 3 days! As long as we stayed on the benedryl every 4 hours they stayed at bay, but if the benedryl wore off... BOOM... they came back with a vengence. Poor little guy. He was so tough and brave. He knows Grandma makes everything better and asked if we could go to Grandma Jeans for HELP. I took him over there and she put him in a nice cool bath, gave him medicine, a little treat, held him and rocked him until he felt better. He is absolutely right GRANDMA'S house is a magic house full of good, happy, yummy love.


Laura said...

poor Easton...it's so hard when your kids aren't feeling great...hang in there!

Becky Lewis said...

Grandma's are great and especially Grandma Jean......the greatest!! Give him a popsicle or something.

Cecilie said...

So sad that Easton doesn't feel well. That is absolutely precious that he wanted to go to his grandmas house cuz he KNOWS she makes everything feel better...I got teary eyed!! I SO wish we had a grandma around...someday.

Heather said...

Poor little guy! It is a good thing Grandma's are magic!