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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Illionios to NYC to CT

We got to go on a 2 week trip with Garet to shows back east. Here we are waiting to board and get to Illinois our first destination. This is where our trip begins with our first hunting expo show. It was a fun small town in bloomington Illinois.Then we jumped in the truck and started our 19 hour drive to NYC. We made it and I didn't pull my hair out. The boys actually did very well. Grayson was the only one who had meltdowns which is totally expected.
Once we made it to NYC we were able to spend a day in the city. Chase had never been to the big apple, so we did a driving tour of all the major sites to see. We did spend most of our day at the American Museum of Natural History. Garet and I have been here before but it was so exciting to take the boys there. It is right up there ally with all the space, animal, rock and mineral and dinosaur exhibits. We could have spent a couple of days in there to really see it all. We also went and walked in central park, stopped by battery park to see the Statue of Liberty, drove through times square, saw the empire state and Chrysler buildings, ground zero and much more. It was very enjoyable. Here are a few of the exhibits we saw at the museum.

This was really quite funny. These models are anatomically correct and they are the first thing you see as you walk in the room. Mason stood in front of them announcing, while pointing at each figure..."mommy, daddy, mommy, daddy." Everyone was laughing and I turned a little red. Mason always makes us laugh.
The dinosaurs were a big hit.

Last the best of all the game. We got to go from NYC to Connecticut to see our newest member of the Jones family...Adalynn. She is as sweet as she looks. We all LOVED her. It was also very special because we got to be there for her blessing. It was amazing. Her daddy did a great job. It was the first blessing I have been too outside of a church meeting. They held it later Sunday night so Rulon could be there and it was really nice. I loved how they planned the program and the spirit that was there. It was very small and personal. Now I wish I would have had my baby blessings this way. Thanks for sharing your home and baby with us Royce and Lauren. We really enjoyed getting to spend some time with you and hope to see you all soon.

Lauren is always so fun with the boys. She had special presents for them as soon as we arrived, and she had a party with cupcakes to decorate. Then she took them outside and built them a fort. I tell you after being cooped up in a hotel for 10 days the boys were so happy to have space to run and play. Lauren really made it special and fun. The morning we left Easton told me I was mean because I wouldn't let him go play at Laurens.
We really had a great time traveling. It is always hard when Garet is gone and it is so nice when we can be together. This is the only time we traveled with him this year. Usually I try to go to all the shows, but this year we only went this stretch and I am so happy we did. We saw a lot, had a lot of fun swimming in the hotels, and loved our time with R, L and A.

1 comment:

Lauren Tatton said...

Shar! You are so cute! We loved every minute! We love those pics!