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Monday, May 2, 2011

Never a dull moment

in a house full of boys!

WOW we have had a busy, crazy, eventful new year to say the least. We have moved from one thing to the next and I am ready for some good weather and a break from all the on going chaos. The latest story I want to share is one about Grayson. All the boys were out playing on our playground. We heard Grayson screaming and saw him running to the house. He had hurt his arm. I asked how it had happened and found out that while one of our friends were swinging Gray decided to walk in front of him and it sent him flying. We decided to give it a few days. NO swelling, he could wiggle all of his fingers and nothing looked misplaced. Well 2 days later he was still in a lot of pain. So I took him in and found out it was broken. The Doc. who saw us was literally a JOKE put an ace bandage on it and told me to call Monday morning. Well the ace bandage lasted all of 2 seconds on a 2 year old. Monday came and I spent half of the day trying to get an official report from the radiologist and the other half getting into the specialist. The break was close to the growth plate so we had to see a specialist. We finally got in and this doc. was AWESOME to say the least. He was a bit flabbergasted that the other doc. hadn't done any type of splint or brace, especially on a 2 year old, but he quickly casted his arm and we were on our way. THIS IS WHERE THE STORY GOES FROM GOOD TO INSANE! I had Boston with us and he was an angel the entire time. Until it was time to go. Then he realized he was HUNGRY and started to scream. I was trying to get out of the hospital as quickly as possible. Gray was begging for a drink and I told him I would get him one in the car. We headed from the far south end of the hospital to the far north end, out the doors in the rain, and to the parking lot to the car. When I reached the car I found I couldn't find my keys. I set Boston on the ground to dig through my bag, still no keys. Remember it is raining and Bost is screaming. I look up to see Gray on hands and knees, lips to the pavement, sucking the water from the gutter...holy cow. I grab him and carrying both of them make a mad dash back to the hospital. Once in the hospital I get Boston under the blanket and start nursing. Gray is crying, I ask what is wrong, he tells me burn, burn. Somehow he burned the tips of his fingers on his good hand. The only way I can imagine this happened is that he touched a hot exhaust pipe??. So I get him calmed and start unloading the diaper bag on the couch in the hospital searching for my keys. I look up to see where Gray is and just as I spot him the automatic doors open and squish him between the doors and the wall. This triggers a security sensor on the doors, so now they will not open or close. He is frantic! I pull him from this tight place where he is stuck. While doing this I am still nursing. Thankfully I kept myself under the blanket. I try to call Garet to come to the rescue but have no luck...he is up at the ranch. I call my mom, she stayed late at work and comes to get me and the boys. When she arrives I empty my bag again...no keys. So I head back inside. I checked with every Dr. Office from the north end to the south end, check all information booths and security. NO KEYS! I decided I couldn't leave my car there because some one could use the button to find it and drive off. Finally I get Garet and he brings the spare key, we load up and head home. 3 weeks later I decided to go for a walk with the boys, Boston gets too hot in his bundleme so I decided to take it out and use it for a sun shade. SURPRISE...my keys. They have been with me all along. I had a good laugh and a sigh of relief. Never a dull moment.


Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

Oh my gosh Sharee! I was literally crying and laughing so hard while reading this just because I know how crazy it can be! John thinks I've gone crazy! "Why are you crying and laughing?"

Poor Gray...that stupid dR. #1.
Love ya,

ShawnandAshley said...

Holy Cow! What a day! It's those moments where you think "Is my life for real?" I have too many of those moments!
Poor Gray, I hope he is feeling better. And you are an AMAZING mommy to be able to handle it all.

Hayley said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that has such crazy days like that!! Way to be a trooper! I think I might have had a mini breakdown. :-)

Such cute kids! Can't believe how big they are getting!