Please feel free to offer any suggestions or tips that you may use to lose weight. My biggest problem is finding the motivation and time in my sleep deprived hectic schedule of being a mom. I am signed up for a 1/2 marathon in aug. and I need to get my dairy air in shape. I know I can find the time and I will. So if ANY OF YOU have any motivation ideas, work out tips- tricks or plans please share them with me. I will be truly grateful. As I said before I haven't been an avid workout fanatic, haven't had too, but it is time to make a lifestyle change here. NO STARVATION please. I do love to eat and am aware that you need to burn more calories than you eat to lose weight. I need exercise ideas ect. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I have a treadmill, bike and weights in my exercise room. So if you have a plan or ideas I will love you forever. THANKS!!!!
hey...i already told you the only thing that works for me is getting up before presto, but i TOTALLY understand how hard that would be for child is significantly easier than 4 to work around....Do you want to do great in eight with us? the think i like about that is it makes you accountable and want to work out and eat good so that you can do good in the program....but regardless, i think you look great. you've had four kiddos, and i know what one did to my body so i think you just deserve a big pat on the back. what about going running even if it were with boston when garet gets home from work for a half hour or so....good luck. love you
Meag I love your suggestions. I would love to do great in 8 let me know when you are starting. Thanks for the advice I will begin running on monday.
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