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Saturday, January 29, 2011

More About Boston...

If you haven't noticed we sure LOVE this little man. He is all I can blog about. We had a pretty special event that took place recently. We blessed Boston on January 15, 2011 at our home. We have not blessed any of our boys at home, this was a first, and it was fabulous. We were able to have the entire blessing be all about him. We had our immediate family members over, did the blessing and then ate dinner. The program started out with a song and then a prayer by Lauren. It was pretty exciting that she and Addy were in town and could come to the blessing. After the prayer Easton gave a scripture for Mason because he was too tired. Easton gave us his talk on the Armour of God, and then we had a talk by my dad, the blessing by Garet...he did a spectacular job, a special musical number by Brikelle and Brekyn. They sang A child of God and Brikelle sang in Spanish. We then had testimonies by Garet and I and Grandpa Larry bore his testimony as well. We ended with a closing prayer by Chase. It was very intimate and special. For sometime now, 5 years or so, Grandpa Larry has let us know we needed to name one of our children Richard. For countless generations Richard has be passed on in the Jones family. It has been given to the first born son for generations (like 20 or so) either as a first name or a middle name. Well we finally kept it going. Rulon is not the first born boy in his family and none of his boys have the name Richard. His brother Richard is the first and he did name his first son Richard in his middle name but he has not yet married. Boston is the last in our family so it is not the exact tradition but we decided to use it in our family of boys anyway. Chances are the name would have ended with Garet's cousin had we not given it to our baby boy. Maybe we can start a new and our boys will keep the tradition going. Grandpa Larry was sure happy and it was really neat to hear his testimony and story and see how much happiness this brought to him. Sometimes there is a lot more to a name.

This is my Grandpa Paul. Bostons Great Grandpa. We went to my Aunts house on New years day and he was there. It was awesome to get a picture together with him. Look at how AWESOME he looks. A few grays and a whole lot of brown his original hair color. Look at that face, 78 years and almost no wrinkles, it really isn't fair but so awesome he looks SO YOUNG. I am hoping and wishing he has passed those incredible genes on to me.

Last but not least Boston had his 2 month apt. after his blessing and here are his stats:

Head 15.7 50%

Length 24.5 91%

Weight 14.5 91%

He is our biggest boy so far at this age! He is a solid little chunk and so beautiful!

here is a comparable to the other 3 boys:

Easton Head 75%, Weight 11lbs 9.5oz 50%, length 22 3/4in 75%

Mason head 60%, weight 12.63lbs, 60%, length 23.6in 56%

Grayson head 25%, weight 11.8lbs 50%, height 23.62 70%

It is fun to take a look back at the other boys.

I am one lucky lady!!!


Becky Lewis said...

Ohhhh, I love that fact that you gave him the name Richard. We gave Starr the middle name of Mamie, Derwin's Mom because Starr was her youngest grandchild and no one had used the name and she so wanted to have a grandchild named after her. It was a big surprise to her when we had flew out to name her in Grandms Mamie's ward...she didn't know until the blessing that she had her name. Yes....dear lady, there is more to a name.

meag said...

you are certainly a lucky lady. love your sweet boys. good boy boston....growing growing. so cute