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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baby Boston

Boston had his 2 week apt the other day and all went well. He is growing great. He now weighs 8lbs 9oz (40th percentile), is 21 3/4 in long (80th percentile), and his head is in the 40th percentile as well. He is super cute loves to be held and loved, and eat. His brothers are really good helpers with him too. Each one of them wants to hold him every chance they get. He had to have his circumcision today...very traumatic. We normally have this done before leaving the hospital after delivery, but because of the severe coombs jaundice we had to wait. Not FUN!! On the bright side we were able to get him off the lights today. We can now dress him, hold him and LOVE LOVE LOVE him.
Mason calls him the cutest things. His main name for Boston is "that guy". Mom that guy needs his..., can I hold that guy and so on. It is pretty funny and so adorable. When I tell him to say Boston he says "Brockston" and also calls him Preston (Meag and Chases baby). Love you Mason.
Grayson loves to hold him and tries hard to steal him out of our hands. He likes to really get him rocking in his swing and tries to feed him M&M's, nuts and whatever else he is eating. We tell him no and he screams at us SHARE! Lately I have had to hide Boston around the house in his car seat some hiding places include the far side of my bed, in my bathroom or closet, in the laundry room or other places so he can sleep. Otherwise he gets pulled out of his seat and it is not always pleasant. My boys are very careful and really love their brother. I just have to keep an eye on Gray.
I have been really impressed with Easton. He is a natural with him. He holds him and loves him and can soothe him almost as good as I can. He doesn't get intimidated when he cries and will hold him for hours...really. He is really good with him and LOVES to hold him and help me with him. He takes care of him while I shower or clean. He is a lifesaver and I am so glad he is so good with all the boys. It really comes natural to him.
We are having so much fun and so happy that we get to have this little blessing in our home. I am a pretty lucky lady to be surrounded by all these wonderful, helpful, handsome boys. They treat me like a princess and make me feel special.


meag said...

shar, he is the sweetest thing. i can't wait to love and cuddle him again. hope things are going great. you are such a great mom and i admire you.

Hayley said...

I just barely heard you had this sweet little guy! Congrats! He is soo cute! Glad labor and Delivery went well--I also want to try to go natural with my next. Figured I better give the experience a chance while I can!

Sammy said...

He is so beautiful sounds like things are going well, hopefully we get to come see him sometime :)

Becky Lewis said...

He is adorable!

ShawnandAshley said...

Such a cutie! Saw your Christmas card and annoucment at my mom's house and they were both adorable. Just a wonderful family! Hope we can meet him soon.