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Friday, May 28, 2010

An Unexpected....

Huge surprise.... expected to arrive Dec. 1, 2010. We have gone through a huge range of emotions over the past 13.5 weeks but are so excited to welcome our little angel to our family. This little one fought hard to get here and therefore must have a special place in our family. Our only request is that our baby is happy and healthy and ready to be LOVED, LOVED, LOVED!


Christina said...

Congratulations!! This little one is so lucky to be coming to your sweet family. We miss you guys!

Sharee, would you mind sending me an invite to our family email. That way I won't have to use my photography name all the time. :)

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

You are right...this baby was determined to come. So happy for you...

FRYER FAM said...

yeah! that is so exciting. congratulations, when do you find out what it is?

Becky Lewis said...

That is soooo exciting. Your Mom just told me about the surprise a couple of weeks ago and I have been waiting for the announcement. Oh, you will do fine. And what a joy this baby will bring. Enjoy the moment!! They grow way to fast. Love ya!

ShawnandAshley said...

I am a huge ball of tears right now!!! I am SO excited for you guys!!

Sammy said...

congrats! so excited for you guys! it'll be so fun to have all those cousins so close in age!

Becky Lewis said...

Hey, I need a little blog help. Tell me how you did your hearder and how you include the picture at the top of the blog. Thanks my friend....

Lauren Tatton said...

I can not wait 4 for 4 I love it so fun! You are great Shar! An AMAZING Mom!

Lauren Tatton said...

I can not wait 4 for 4 I love it so fun! You are great Shar! An AMAZING Mom!