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Sunday, February 14, 2010

We had a fun filled Valentines weekend. Brekyn and Bridger came to play all day Saturday and we made the most of it. We started by going to Shawnee's house, then headed to my house and made special valentines cookies. Easton and Bridger had too much fun playing the Wii, so Brekyn, Mason and I made cookies. It was so much fun.
What is valentines day without a special pedicure? This was our next fun activity. Can you spot the NOT?? Mason wanted his toes painted too...so I did it. He doesn't hold still and he like to touch them before they are dry. So he is easy to spot, his look a little crazy.
Then we gave Brek a beautiful up-do. Not too shabby for being out of practice for too many years to count. I LOVED wearing my hair this way when I was little. Still not sure who was having more fun, me or her? Got it on first try. Thanks Brek you are my little princess.

We then went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for more fun. We did a puzzle with Grandma and watched a movie.
Grayson ADORES my Dad. He got his wrestles and loves. He will not let my Dad out of his sight.
Then they all needed to wrestle Grandpa.

I was very lucky to have an excellent babysitter. Brekyn babysat Gray (with help from Grandma) so I could take the big boys sledding. I had a BLAST! And Gray had fun too. He loved the attention she gave him.

Let the races begin. My parents have the perfect sledding hill. We had the best time. Grayson even came out for a few runs and LOVED it. The only bad part was that Grandpa dislocated his knee. He straddled the sled, slipped on ice, and that was all it took. One wrong slippery step. He is pretty sore and swollen. Lots of ice packing and his brace, but he will heal up okay in time. As for me, I felt like a kid again. I have been in the child bearing years and forgot how much fun all this is. Glad that I am back in playing action.

And to finish it all...A snowball throwing contest. We had to see who could throw it the farthest, who could make and throw the biggest snowball, and who could make the best splash. I am telling ya there is no down time when it comes to boys. It is one thing to the next and it is so much fun.
After all of this we went inside to a yummy home cooked dinner. Hot and ready to eat. Thanks family for yet another fun weekend. It is so much fun to have family close by. Not sure what I'd do while Garet is traveling with out all of you.


Lauren Tatton said...

That looks like so much fun Shar! Im glad you stayed busy! You are leaving soon I cant wait!

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

Im so behind on you! First Lauren had an 11 lb girl. Holy cow! Grayson's pics are amazing. P90x I heard is awesome. You'll have to let me know if it works!