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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Who should I call for HELP?????

I had just gotten home from a Costco trip and was unloading the car. The kids were following me in and out ,riding bikes and playing in the garage. I was talking to Meag on the phone and suddenly I hear Mason screaming at the back door. I run to the door and see him with a DART sticking from his temple on his head. YES A BIG SHARP DART! I hang up, grab him, and look at this object impelled in his head. I was just about to pull it out and then thought SHOULD I or SHOULDN'T I? In first aid they teach you not to pull out impelled objects. But what am I going to do? Garet is at the ranch, I can't strap him in the car and head to the E.R., 911...no. So I call the ranch no answer, call my dad...no answer,repeat this 3x to each. FINALLY they answer at the ranch but don't know where Garet is at. I tell them it is an emergency find him and have him call. Then my dad calls I tell him to come FAST. Then I remember in our other ward Danette who is a physicians assistant. I call her and she races over. (Thank you for awesome neighbors.)Right as she pulls the dart out my dad pulls up. RELIEF!!! Luckily the dart was under the skin and not deep into the head. He will be just fine.
HOLY COW SCARY!!! Just a bit farther and it woud have punctured his eye or...WORSE. It is scary what kids find and how quickly it can happen. I don't leave these things out. There is 1 box in the garage that is full of games and is too heavy for me to carry in, not a very good excuse.
So WARNING look around and find those things that can cause injury and get it out of there. I would never forgive myself for something I could have prevented. Kids get into enough mischief on their own.


Becky Lewis said...

OH MY GOODNESS! It is scary, don't take too much blame on yourself, you are a good mom. Just give him an extra love and put a bandage on his finger so he can see it.

Laura said...

what is the deal with boys! glad he is ok!

Hayley said...

yikes! glad he is okay! I think things like these happen to even the very best of all parents.

Christensens Corner said...
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Christensens Corner said...

What the @#*!. Why didn't you tell me this happened. HOW SCARY!!! I love you little Mason! I'm very very glad your ok.

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

Oh...my...gosh! I read this post once and had to close it immediately because it hurt my head to read it. How did it get in his head? Stuff like this I am not prepared for with boys. I would freak out. You poor thing. What are we in for...