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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain temple dedication

Last Sunday was the Oquirrh Mountain temple dedication. It was a very special event. Church was cancelled state wide and they broadcast the dedication at 9am and 3pm.
I was planning on going to this sacred event but it was hard getting there. Sometimes satan works hard to stop you from what you know you should do.
I went to bed and was up literally ALL night with ALL 3 boys. All night long I kept thinking I am not going to make in the moring. How can I get all 4 of us ready and to the stake center by 9am. (Garet is in hunting mode so I am sort of on my own). Many times through out the night I decided not to go, but then I felt the urgency to be there. I told myself I AM GOING! Well we wake up get all ready rush out the door and findd out I have to take the boys to the liberty church to the nursery. This is the opposite direction of the stake center. I am really pushing it on time, but I try my best. I get the boys to the nursery and of course they are apprehensive about staying they know no one there (the other ward is offering babysitting) I plead and pray in my heart to help me out here. I run out of the church and get to the stake center at 9am exactly. I run to the doors...locked, run to the other set of doors...locked. My heart sinks and I think of the parabel of the 10 virgins. I am not prepared. I go back to the car tears fill my eyes and then I remember that I can go at 3pm. I feel very grumpy and this feeling remains with me for the rest of the morning. My parents call when they finish the meeting and I ask if they will come and babysit so I can go to the 3pm broadcast.
Then Bryan and Cecilie call and they are coming up on there way home from bear lake. I ask Cecilie if she would like to go with me. She said YES! So my dear parents tend all of our kids and she and I go to the broadcast. Now I know God works in mysterious ways and I also know that I was meant to attend the meeting with Cecilie. It was awesome! Very spiritual for both of us. We both felt like we recieved answers to our prayers, learned how to be better mothers and had our testimonies strengthed. I know I was not supposed to attend the 9am meeting, I needed to be at the 3pm meeting. I am so happy I didn't let satan get me down. He sure tried and almost suceeded. But I pushed forward through the obstacles he presented and was definately blessed for it. Cecilie thanks for coming with me...I sure needed it.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

This almost exact same thing happened to me! I kept debating all day long whether or not I should go, and I was also up all night, so I was grumpy, grouchy and tired. But Brandon made it a point to go, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We also went to the 3PM session and it was wonderful!!!