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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things...

(sing to the sound of music) Campfires and hot dogs followed with smores. Blankies and nap times I never get bored. Playing and laughing and wrestling too these are a few of my favorite things.

snakes and snails and puppy dog tails. Acting so silly shh I will not tell. These are a few of my favorite things.3 little boys smelling yummy and clean.
Grandma's and Grandpas and cousins and friends.
Aunts and Uncles to play and pretend. These are a few of my favorite things.

Once I remember I slept through the night. Now I just hold my sweet baby tight. Dancing and singing and riding our bikes these are a few of my favorite things.

Little hands chubby and cute, 10 little toes running about. Looking at the stars and the moon... these are a few of my favorite things.

Bouquets of dandelions and weeds, become my most beautiful things. Piles of rocks and pockets of sand, muddy clothes and dirty hands ...these are a few of my favorite things.

Crying and fighting followed by hugs and kisses. Sweet little whispers" i love you ,your the best est"... these are a few of my favorite things.
Laundry,more laundry, did i mention laundry. Mountains and mountains of good ole' laundry. No matter how hard i may try, there is always more laundry piling up high.
Cleaning and cleaning is so much fun, until i see what the boys have undone. The dust is growing taller than i can see, lets forget it and play hide and seek...these are a few of my favorite things.
Nature and hunting and stories to tell, the boys always have an adventure to share.
They really are so much fun, if only I was 21...

Feelings of doubt and fear, are chased away when my little ones are near. Praying that I will not yell today. ..These are a few of my favorite things.

Hoping and wishing they will obey, I am sure we will all go to timeout today. Heavenly father you know me so well.... thanks for giving me all of my favorite things to share.

The list can go on and on my friends, But I am so thankful that I am a Mom. Wishing and cheering and dreaming is fun and I wouldn't trade my life with anyone. For these are a few of my favorite things.


Becky Lewis said...

You are a good Mom, and Garet a good Dad! So glad you have one another.

Hayley said...

Very cute post. Also many of my favorite things....except the laundry! Aw..the laundry that never goes away!

How are the kids feeling? Hope they are getting better! Sorry we missed you the other night!

FRYER FAM said...

ok so funny. i just changed my blog today & then started checking blogs & we are the same. too funny. this one was so cute. anyway, i do a little hair here but, haven't done it in the salon for like a year. but, when i do i will for sure give you a call. your boys are just darling.

Christensens Corner said...

So cute and true. There is nothing in life better than being a mom, even on the worst days!