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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It is going too fast

I am going to cry because my sweet little baby is growing too fast. I need time to stand still...So I can cherish every moment of my 3 little boys lives. Time is taking it all too quickly from me.
1 whole month has passed since little Grayson was born, I can't believe it. He is so sweet and really knows his mommy. He puts up with a lot from his loving brothers, kisses, pats, holding and tickles.
There is something very special about this little angel. I love his preious little squeaks and grunts and how he calms a soon as I am near. I love to hold him all day and just look at him and wonder where this life wiil take him and what I will learn from him. I hope I can be the mom he needs me to be and provide the foundation for him to be a fine, upstanding , righteous gentleman.
He is my son and I feel so blessed and eternally grateful to my father in heaven for sending me this beautiful gift. I am amazed at how much love you have as parent. A child will never know truly how much love their parents have for them until they become a parent themselves.


Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

I called you the other day. Hayden answered though. I just wanted to see how it was with 3 kids. You have some amazing pictures of Grayson. THey could be on a Halmark card. I hope you are doing well! Love ya,

Laura said...

such a beautiful fam...love the picture at the top!

seriously - dont you just cherish the baby! not exactly sure what it is...maybe that I've figured out how fast they grow up and am just treasuring this stage. maybe everything else is chaos and the baby is just a little piece of heaven. so glad you are enjoying grayson....you are such a darling mom!

meag said...

you have the cutest, and sweetest family. its crazy how fast he is growing and changing. enjoy it. cute new blog

Lauren Tatton said...

I love all of those pictures you have a beautiful family! AAAH! Tell them to stop growing! I wish I was there to spend time with them! I hope you are doing good! Love ya

Sammy said...

He is such a beautiful baby! What a sweet little thing, wow one month, thats fast! Your boys are BEATIFUL.

Mandee said...

Well said. I can't wait to meet him!

Dixon's said...

He is adorable! I agree with you the time goes way to fast. I often wonder if I am teaching them all they need and spending enough time with them. You are such a good mom and I look up to you so much. Thanks for the great example.

Mike, Amber and Camden said...

Hey Shar! I just love these pictures of your new little Grayson! What a cutie pie! What a great Mom you make. I hope everything is going good for ya. I hope its not too long before we get to see all of you again! love, Amber

Mike, Amber and Camden said...

Oh..ps. we finally got a blog up and going!Its mikeyamberandcam.blogspot.com

Mike, Amber and Camden said...
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