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Friday, January 9, 2009

Baby update

I went in for my 32 week apt. and the little guy was measuring small. My Doc. sent me in for an ultasound and everything was perfect. The only problem is he has flipped into a breech position. I totally felt it too. It was sunday that he made the change. I was in the tub getting ready for church and all of the sudden he turned totally sideways. I looked like I had swallowed a watermelon whole. It has been bitter sweet, because the 5 days before I was pretty miserable. LOTS of pressure and pain and just feeling plain YUCKY! So after the flip, not as much pressure or pain, but now he is in the wrong position. I had another apt. at 34 weeks and they confirmed he is head up, and I am dialated to a 2. Garet and I were planning on heading out of town to Califorina for 3 weeks because it it now show season. My plans changed. My Doc. said I can only go for 1 week, fly home and come straight to her office to see if our guy has rotated to head down and what progress I have made. The plan is that if he has not rotated, then we have to do an inversion (flip him) and that means the risk of another C-sec goes up. I am not sure what to do? Try for the flip and another VBAC, or schedule a C-SEC. My recovery with the C was not fun and took A LONG TIME! I am not up for it. So we will see what happens at my next apt.
Hopefully the little man has flipped. However the way I am feeling right now I think it is doubtful...BUT there is still time.
Oh yeah, with the other 2 when I dialated to a 2 they came 2 weeks later. My doc. predicted that I will not go past 37 weeks and definiatley not 38. We'll see....


Laura said...

what is it with being pregnant...dont you just wish it would come out!! enjoy your vacation...maybe if you do enough sitting around at the beach it will flip on its own :)

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

Try doing handstands. I'm not kidding my friend did it and it worked for her. Oh, and yes finally. You know what I mean.

meag said...

hey shar....craziness, thats what your going throught right now. in cali, running around with two energetic boys. good luck. can't wait to see you.

Lauren Tatton said...

Hi Shar! You are a superwomen! Kara my sis in law Did some crazy voodo tricks and got her little man to flip around and that was right at the end! So i can find those for you!

Mandee said...

He sounds like a little stinker giving you this many issues in the last trimester ;) Haden did the same thing & I had to have the c-section. I say do whatever it takes for a VBAC. Handstand away!!

Nora said...

Hi Sharee, can you put this link in your blog for had more votes for Jimena´s picture? She is in fourth position between 1296 girls between 0 and 2 years.. WOW!!!! Hope everthing are Ok. I miss you... Love, Nora (Spain)


Dixon's said...

Good Luck with everything. We can't wait to meet this little guy. Your pictures that Heather took are beautiful!!!