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Friday, December 19, 2008

My poor BABY

He did get a little bit of sleep in spite of the hourly checking and every 4 hour checking all vitals etc. He was so cute. I curled up in his crib too, but then the nurse was kind and brought a big bed for the 2 of us.

My Mom was leaving work and came to support me until Garet and Easton got there. It is a little bit emotional watching your little one go through all this. Plus I hadn't slept for about 3 night straight. Thanks Mom, you are always there for us to help in any way. I love you.

This lady was so sweet. She brought Mason lots of toys to play with and a stocking to decorate. Then she filled the stocking with fun toys for him.
Daddy and Easton came to save the day. He was so happy to see them.

This picture was when he finally got to take the IV tubing out and had a little bit of freedom to run around. We got released about 2 hours later.

Poor little Mason. He has been so sick. It started about 2 days after we arrived in Mexico. He started with a cough, then a fever and congestion. The humidity really helped him cope while we were gone. Then 2 days after we got home he started with vomiting and diarrhea. Garet Easton and I had a bit of it too, but it only lasted about 24 hours for us. I am thinking we got it all from the flights. It is a bad time of year for germs and when you are confined on an airplane with a couple hundred people and circulating air, it is not a good mix. Any how he couldn't keep ANYTHING down not even a sip of water. So because of that he got really dehydrated and that sent us to the hospital for a sleepover. Poor baby, he was so brave. He let them poke and prod him more than you can imagine. He was so sick. Since we had just been in Mexico, and I know he got some of the water there, Dr. B wanted to cover all our bases and tested for EVERYTHING under the sun. So the conclusion thus far, no Mexico bugs, just a bad virus that turned into some gastritis. So here we are a week later...still throwing up and pooping. He is doing better though and as long as the 2 symptoms don't last past Sunday we will not have to do any more testing. Please hope and pray for us to not have to go any further.

Merry Christmas Garet, we will be paying the hospital and Dr. bills instead of having Christmas this year. On the upside...I am so grateful to have Dr. B who is the BEST DOC. in the world.


Lauren Tatton said...

Oh shar Im so sad for him and you and everyone! I hope it all gets better! That is not a fun way to being living when you get home from paradise! Love ya!

Laura said...

Shar...I'm so sorry! it is no fun to be at the hospital with a little kid...espcecially being pregnant. Glad mason's doing better. Kate and I were in the ER again this week cause she was sick - we went to the ped to get her ears checked (infected) but they did a stat o2 on her and she wouldn't go above 90 so we had to go to the ER. After going through the same thing and having her admitted overnight back in Sept I knew what we were in for and how much she would hate it - I seriously sat in my car and cried for a couple minutes before I could drive downtown. Glad to have a dr and good med care but not always so excited about having to use them.

Mandee said...

Poor Mason (and poor Sharee). I'm so sorry, I hadn't heard anything- I'll give you a call.

Jardine Family said...

I'm so sorry about poor Mason! It is so hard to see your kids go through that. It just makes you so grateful when it is something that will get better. Those hospital bills are no fun. We can't seem to go a year without one of those! Hope he gets better soon. Let me know if you need anything!

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

Oh Shar you must be exhausted. Poor, poor Mason. He's too little to understand what is going on so I am sure it was hard. He looks so big standing in his hospital gown. I will pray for him and for you guys.

Hayley said...

Shar, so sorry for little mason. I haven't been keeping up on the blogs, so I didn't even know about it. I hope that it is getting better! LEt us know!

Hayley said...

Shar, so sorry for little mason. I haven't been keeping up on the blogs, so I didn't even know about it. I hope that it is getting better! LEt us know!