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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

2 Minutes is all it takes...

2 minutes is all it takes for these little rascals to turn our clean home into a disaster take a look.

The piece of styrofoam they found somewhere was so little, but it sure made a BIG MESS. This stuff has so much static and sticks to everything including the vaccume. This was the main area but it was through out the ENTIRE MAIN LEVEL of the house. Lots of fun playing with, not so much fun cleaning up.

Believe it or not I was on the other side of the island making lunch while they made this mess with flour. They were playing so well together. A little to well actually, I took a peek around the corner to see what they were doing and saw my flour and sugar canisters out. Mason was taking handfulls and putting it on Eastons head,oh how they laughed. Notice Mason's vacumme in the background. He was "cleaning" up the mess and Easton was scooping it and driving it to Mason to "clean up". I wanted to get mad and then decided the damage was done they might as well enjoy themselves. When they were done playing we all vacummed and mopped it up together. We actually had fun cleaning this mess up. They looked like casper by the time they were finished playing.

This is Eastons newest art project. We were having all the family over on Sunday to celebrate thanksgiving since Rulon and Kathy would be gone to Mexico on thanksgiving day. While I was hustling around getting everything ready this is what happened. Easton came to me and said " I need some paper so I can color". Okay here you go, sit in front of daddy and make sure to ONLY color on the paper. I gave him colored pencils, where he found this permanant black marker I have no idea. I just happend to hear him say "Mason I am going to color my nose too." I went running over and to my surprise here is what I found. The picture doesn't do it justice. Eastons cheeks are dotted along with his hands and feet, and Masons's head, hands, back of his neck and face were colored. Our family arrived about 2o minutes later. It wore off 2 days later.
It is surprising how fast things happen...the good and the bad. I am trying to remember to laugh and enjoy these little moments. Sometimes it is harder than others because it is always when you are in a whirlwind trying to get the house in order and as soon as you finish one room they are right behind you messing it up. However it is fun to get pictures you can laugh at.
Cute, CUTE boys that fill my life with JOY... I love you so much!!!!!


Laura said...

what awesome little boys! as much as they drive you crazy wouldn't you rather have them a little wild then angels that just sit there? I think kids have a way of knowing when you're actually trying to keep things really clean or have something important to do because they pick that time to do something super messy! maybe the marker will be off by the time kathy and rulon get back....

I'm just updating my address list for Christmas cards...are you guys at Kathy and Rulon's house in Liberty?

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

I love seeing the boys play together but I feel the same way. I came in from running on the treadmill and they were both on the top bunk bed. I freaked out.

Lauren Tatton said...

I hope you are having fun in mexico! Love ya! miss you!