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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A special delivery is coming our way around Februrary 17, 2009 we can hardly wait. When I first told Easton he was very excited and cute and I asked if heaven would send a baby boy or a girl? He said without hesitation that it was "a baby Isaac, in my tummy", and his story hasn't changed to this day. We don't know any Isaac's personally, so I am not sure where the name came from, but he still reassures me the baby in my tummy is "baby Isaac or something". This is not the name we have chosen, but it will be fun to see if it is all in his head or some greater inspiration.
I feel it is a boy... but still hope for a girl. For a while there was a possibilty that there could be 2.

At my first apt. my Dr. did an ultrasound and thought she could see a septum dividing it into 2 identical babies. It was really fun to have the idea be a possibility. It was too early to get a good look, and so she said to come back in 3 weeks to check again. I went in today and could positively see 1 sweet baby looking as perfect as could be.

We are so happy to have baby #3. It will be the perfect addition to our family. 3 little babies so sweet and cute we are so happy for another heavenly gift to bless our home for eternity.


Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

Yeah, I'm glad you can now let the cat out of the bag. I don't mind keeping a secret but it's hard because I'm so excited for you. I think you should stick with Isaac if it's a boy. Cool name, cool story. No, for me. Maybe next month. I have to have one semi-close to you!

Lauren Tatton said...

I'm cant wait! It will be so fun for you to have 3. I still think there is a chance shar!(for a Little girl) :)

Hayley said...

Congrats Shar! That's so awesome! Funny thing; we were talking with some family just this past weekend and talking about how "technically" one of us cousins should be having twins since grandma is a twin, but we have yet to see any. Guess we got a close call here. Congrats again! We are super excited for you!

Hayley said...

Congrats Shar! That's so awesome! Funny thing; we were talking with some family just this past weekend and talking about how "technically" one of us cousins should be having twins since grandma is a twin, but we have yet to see any. Guess we got a close call here. Congrats again! We are super excited for you!

Hayley said...

Congrats Shar! That's so awesome! Funny thing; we were talking with some family just this past weekend and talking about how "technically" one of us cousins should be having twins since grandma is a twin, but we have yet to see any. Guess we got a close call here. Congrats again! We are super excited for you!

Laura said...

congrats! that's so exciting! babies are so much fun. good thing it will have two sweet older brothers to take good care of it. hope you've been feeling ok - it's so hard sometimes!

Sammy said...

Congratulations! I didn't even know until last night that is so exciting. I'm praying for a girl for you, but a boy would be fun, and you make darn cute ones!

ThE KeNNeDy'S said...

Shar, your so cute! Im so glad your my neighbor, we need to go to lunch or somethin, you me and our hubbies! Oooo fun! This is Hillary across the street, mikehillsbebe.blogspot.com

Jardine Family said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you guys. Your family is so cute and I can't wait to see your new little one. We need to get together again soon.

Brazil's Girl said...

Wow, congratulations! Was it a surprise? That's awesome, of course I'm totally biased towards the baby's name, but I don't how well it matches your other babie's names. I'm a big matching person, OCD I think. I hope you get your girl. I'm a little scared to have a girl to totally sincere, I think I'd be a better mom to a house full of boys. But at least we're done now. We thought Isaac was a girl and consequently had picked out a name that would pay tribute to Mike's deceased mother. So we kind of felt we need to have a girl since we had a name for her almost 3 years ago.

I'm hoping for a girl for you, you deserve a cute mini-Shar.

ThE KeNNeDy'S said...

Sharee, I am so glad we are the same alog in our pregnancies, except this is your 3rd and this is my 1st! It'll be so exciting! YeY! Maybe we can go on walks together or something, cause I can't run!

Mandee said...

Congrats Shar! I can't wait to see what's cookin' in there! :)