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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Run #2 Ogden Marathon 26.2 miles

I got the opportunity last minute to run in the Ogden Marathon, as a relay team, with my sis-in-law Meag, Kathy(mom in-law), Jeff (Kaths brother) and Andrea(Kaths friend.) I say last minute because I wasn't added to the team until Lauren (my sis-in-law) dropped out because they had to move out of their apt. I am happy I was asked to do it and I had a great time. Jeff ran the 1st 7 mile leg, Kathy the 2nd 6 mile leg, Meag the 3rd 5 mile leg, I ran the 4th 5 mile leg, and Andrea ran the last 3.2 miles to the finish.

Meag & I at the start of her leg. She did an amazing job. She is such a good competitor and pushes herself really hard. She had a hard leg to run with 2 BIG hills to climb by the Pine View Dam. She was like a mack truck forging right up it with no problems at all. She is a great runner.

Here Meag is handing off the chip/timer to me as I start my run down the Ogden Canyon. It was beautiful. I loved running down the Canyon with no cars, in between 2 mountains towering on each side of me, listening to the river rushing next to me and breathing the fresh crisp air. It was a once in a lifetime experience and I LOVED every minute of it.

My dear DADDY-O came to cheer me on, support me and take care of my boys as I ran. He is the greatest support, help and really inspired me to RUN and have fun. He spent his whole day being the taxi driver/babysitter/photographer. We started by taking Meag to the begining of her leg, drove by Kathy and cheered her on, and then to the Oaks where I would begin my leg. I decided once I finished my leg that I really wanted to keep running the last 3.2 miles to the finish, so Meag and I took off and made it to the finish line totaling 8.2 miles for the day. My sweet Dad met us at the bottom with my cute boys. About 5 blocks from the finish line I passed my Dad with the boys and Easton started to cry when I didn't stop to get him. So I turned around grabbed the stroller and ran to the finish line pushing my boys. It was really fun and a special way to finish the race. I truly loved every minute of it. Thanks to everyone who made it happen. We all ran hard and had really good individual and group times. There were 6000 people registerd to run and we placed 59th. CHEERS to my team...we did an awesome job working together.


Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

Wow Sharee. You guys placed well. You are turning into an amazing runner. Are you thinking of doing a half or full marathon? You can do it. That's so sweet that you pushed your boys. That would break my heart to see one of my boys crying after me so I would probably do the same thing.

meag said...

love it shar. i know i totally stole all the pictures off of your camera....thanks. you are seriously turning into one amazing runner, and i love having a running partner, its no fun by myself. so thank you so much. love you shar. you are awersome

Hayley said...

Way to go shar! I can't believe that you can just up and run a marathon like that! Kudos to you!

Laura said...

how awesome to run as a relay! that just sounds like so much fun. definately not a runner but I've been running with some of my neighbors and they are all marathon gurus....this morning we did 6 miles - got home and then they decided to keep going. crazy runners.....looks like you guys had a great time though.

Mandee said...

Awesome! I didn't see your name in the paper, so I thought maybe you hadn't been able to participate. I'm glad you did! What a great run.

Heather McMullin said...

Looks like you had a good time! YAY for marathons!