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Friday, February 8, 2008

What was I thinkin'

Quick update. (FYI this post is for my sanity I need to complain a bit. ) We are on the road for the outfitter shows with Garet, Rulon and Jadan. So far we have been to Sacramento CA, Reno NV, and now we are in Harrisburg PA, next stop is Pittsburgh PA. The kids and I fly to meet Garet. (that is a sight to see -1 mom, a 10 hour+ flying day, 2 kids missing naps, a stroller, diaper bag, coats, blankets, a 2-3 hour layover, ect ect ect)
Seriuosly --what was I thinking the day we booked our airline tickets??. 31 days away from home, in a hotel room, with 2 kids, no car, no privacy, no help...it's just me. I am not sure what made me say "it's cool, it will be hard but we can do it." It is very hard, on all of us but I do have to say that we are making the most of it, smiling most days and having a pretty good time. I need to post some pictures, of our fun, melt downs and sleepless eyes. I will do that soon.
Easton is a good sport and reminds me to be nice. He also says I am sorry mommy I will be nice to you too, okay. Usually it is around nap time I hear those sweet words. He asks daily to go to church to see the kids, go to Shellee's house or Grandma's house. Then he starts to pucker and says I just want to go home mom, is it time to go home yet? You know you have been gone way too long when you hear those words. I can say it is TIME, just 9 more days.
Like my header says-"We may not have it all together...But together we have it all" Isn't that the truth. That is all I need to remember, My 3 boys are all I need. I am very happy we are all together, life is wonderful!


Heather McMullin said...

You have to be the bravest woman alive!!! Going on a week trip is hard, let alone a month long one. I totally commend you. Reagan doesn't even notice her earings. That is why I did it young, so she wouldn't pull on them and rip them out. Hang in there girl!!!

Dixon's said...

Sharee you are so brave!! To bad there wasn't a show in Michigan! Good Luck, I hope the next 9 days are good days.

Vee Company said...


I still don't know what shows you are going to, but I hope you enjoyed Pittsburgh. I wish I would have known you were going there cause I would have told of a couple of beatiful places and restaurants to go visit.
Mike's mother and grandmother are from there. And that's where we got engaged. I love P-town. I hope you are enjoying your trip. I think you'll be translated soon, cause I think I would have killed everyone in the travelling group by now.

Enjoy the rest of the trip!